Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Server New Website

Welcome to AGCraft the community growing bigger as we progress!


  1. Hello it's lionlinx! I would like to apply this server to be a mod or possibly admin.
    I am 14 years of age and I live on the Eastern Time Zone side of America.
    I have been staff on other servers. Mod-5, Admin-2, Co-Owner-1, and I have ran 2 servers in the past. Some reasons why I would want to be staff on this server are...
    1) I have never been a staff on a faction server and just LOVE factions!
    2) The staff seem pretty nice and want to continue that trend
    3) I love to try a help people solve their problems and try to help people.
    4) If I get staff on this server I will try and be on as much as possible.

    Those are my reasons for my wanting to be staff.
    Skype - lionlinx


  2. Name : Jonathan

    Age : Thirteen,almost fourteen.

    IGN : Jxdeane2000

    Why do you want to be a mod?
    I want to become a mod because I had a house on a server for a while and it was griefed before I gave up and moved\. I felt angry and upset that the people who griefed us had no Care for who lived there, and I've seen it time and time. People grief, get caught, apologize and do it all over again the moment they're freed. They probably didn't even bother to read the rules, or maybe they simply lack the common courtesy to not destroy what does not belong to them. I want to stop this and help griefed people restore their homes.
    I have also seen a bit of bullying. Most of it is just for fun, but sometimes, it gets out of hand. The same can be said about cursing. A bit here and there never killed anyone, but once someone begins to throw around racist slurs and such, something needs to be done. I haven't yet seen anything like this happen, but I'm sure it has happened in the past.

    Will you be responsible, calm, mature, and trustworthy?
    Yes, I will. I have a lot of experience with Foolish little kids because I have lived all my life with Four younger Siblings Even in the face of sass and disrespect, I refrain from yelling or losing my patience. I am also trustworthy.

    1. Someone's house has been griefed, what do you do?
    I would tp with /tp [username] to them and ask if they know who did it. I would then type /co inspect, place a block in a griefed area to see who broke it, and type /co rollback u:[username] t:[time] r:[radius] to fix it. If they are on the server at the time, I will ask them to fess up and not grief again. If it is a very small offense, I will let them off with a warning and tell them to read oooohe rules. If it is a larger offence or a repeat offence, I will either jail the person or temporarily ban them.

    2. Some users are arguing, what do you do?
    I would ask them to calm down, but if they continue to annoy people, I will either mute them or kick them just to show that I mean business. To mute, I would type /mute [username] [time]. If they return and still cause a commotion, I could jail and mute them for about ten minutes. If even after the muting and jailing a temporary ban seems to be in order. To un-mute the person, I would type /unmute [username].

    3. A user is hurling abusive language at you, what do you do?
    I would ask them to please control themselves and use a better choice of words because they are running the risk of being banned. If they continue, I would do as aforementioned in the arguing (number 2). I would mute, jail and then tempban, assuming they continue to throw around abusive language.

    4. Someone enters another person's house without their permission, what do you do?
    I would ask them to get out and replace everything they moved out of place. I would issue a warning (if the damage done to the house is minor) and tell them to read the rules. If they refuse to leave, I could kick them with /kick [username] [reason] or jail them. If they continue to return and break into houses, they will receive a temporary ban.

    Thanks for reading. ~Jx
